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As I said before, I’m going to start featuring some of my favorite photographers on my blog. Here goes!

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I often look at flickr hoping to be inspired by great, unique photos. Unfortunately, that rarely happens. The nature of the flickr beast is that it consists of a lot of photographers posting the same kinds of photography in order to garner attention from other trend-following photographers. It’s hard to find someone that sets themselves apart from the crowd and knock my socks of with consistently fresh, excellent material.

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One of the people who does achieve this is Mira Heo. She’s a Korean portrait/fashion photographer who is always trying something new. I can look at her entire photostream and genuinely say I like it all.

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Take some time to check her out on flickr and facebook. I think you’ll be happy you did!

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By the way, if you know any great photographers and would like to share, please comment!

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